We support decision-making in coordination with a business track record optimizing performance and predicting the state of business with the trending technology. This decision-making is automated using AI to support real-time responses.


Innvocore Business Analytics specifies in :

  • Descriptive analytics, keeping track of key performance indicators (KPIs) to understand the present state of a business;
  • Predictive analytics, to analyze trend data to assess the likelihood of future outcomes; and
  • Prescriptive analytics, to generate recommendations about how to handle futuristic situations using past record.

Some of our popular business analytics tools we use at Innvocore:

  • Qlik, which has data visualization and automated data association features.
  • Splunk, which is especially popular for small and medium-sized businesses because of its intuitive user interface and data visualization features.
  • Sisense, which is known for its dynamic text analysis features and data warehousing
  • KNIME, which is known for its high-performance data pipelining and machine learning
  • Dundas BI, which is popular because of its automated trend forecasting and its user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface features.
  • TIBCO Spotfire, which is considered one of the more advanced BA tools and offers powerful automated statistical and unstructured text analysis.
  • Tableau Big Data Analytics, which is also highly regarded for its advanced unstructured text analysis and natural language processing (NLP) capabilities.
  • Power BI, providing interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for end-users to create their own reports and dashboards.

We will help you stride through the tides in the best technical way.